Unplug App

We turned meditation on its head.

Unplug Meditation, the world’s first drop-in meditation studio, approached us about creating a campaign that would create awareness and drive app downloads. Together, we strategically saw an opportunity to focus our efforts on going after a new kind of customer — those who don’t meditate, don’t have time to meditate, or think meditation is stupid. Those Type-A folks who live and breathe work.

So we got rid of the stereotypical “woo woo” metaphysical gibberish, and created a brand campaign that spoke to real people in a tone and voice they would understand. By utilizing the actual titles of their meditations, we created a provocative, headline-driven campaign that commanded attention in outdoor and in social. In those rare instances when we did use visuals, we selected images that were typical of the category then wrote copy that poked fun at the visual. Our client asked us to be bold. So we turned the entire category on it’s head.