“Gregg is a hoot. He and I have very similar wiring, which I think makes us a force to be reckoned with as a team. Fast. Funny. Modest. Talented. As an AD/writer, he a writer’s best friend. As an AD, he has superb taste and knows how to make a good thing into a great thing. There are a handful of people I can wholeheartedly recommend.”

Cameron Day
CCO and Author of the Chew With Your Mind Open and Spittin’ Chiclets

“I love ONeill. He understands context which is quite often a hard skill for less seasoned creatives to wrap their heads around. It probably comes from his experience in big agencies in NYC and smaller agencies in NC and San Diego. The fact that he’s egoless is gravy. Can’t go wrong here.”

Ryan Berman
Founder @ Courageous, Author of Return on Courage

“Gregg’s enthusiasm is contagious, his wit is sharp and endearing, his work ethic is above question and his dedication to his teammates is unwavering.”

Jason Drass
Co-Founder and Partner @ Bull+Beard

“Gregg is one of those CDs where you're like, damnit, that’s good! It doesn't take long for him to give life to an idea, and have it look spit-shined and polished.”

Heather Linnell
Former VP GCD @ Evoke Health

“The man knows digital, he knows great ideas, and he knows how to amplify those ideas visually. The one thing I know? I can always count on Gregg to make us both look good.”

John Brockenbrough
Former ECD @ Mullen

“Gregg brings a level of strategic thought to the creative process, so that what he creates is not just creative for creative-sake, but a deliberate business approach and strategy that drives the bottom line.”

Eric Webb
(Client) VP of Marketing @ McGladrey