North Carolina Hospitality Industry

hi, people.

The North Carolina Hospitality Industry came face-to-face with one their biggest challenges ever - recruiting people back to an industry that was ravaged by a global pandemic.

With so many unique people who call North Carolina home, there’s one undeniable quality they all have — a warm and welcoming personality.

The solution was simple. Let unique North Carolinians reach other unique North Carolinians.

How do we do this? By encouraging the North Carolina Hospitality Industry to simply introduce themselves to the people they want to attract. Since the words “hospitality industry” don’t exactly roll off the tongue, we know their initials do. And, nothing can be more warm, friendly, and inviting than “hi.”

Living mural. One day one, passersby will be treated to an engaging image with a simple message — “hi.”
Each day, for the next 30 days, we add another line from our mantra. By day 30, the full message is on display.

Day 1

Day 12

Day 30